Lilia in Utah with her cousins Kotahi & Kazna Tarawhiti |
Kia ora you fallas, Dang everyone all over the place ay? ya dreamers! haha na thats awesome stuff ay, all the kids growing up, man its crazy! Lia girl have fun at the efy!! thnx for writing ya, love you lia! Ash bro thats cack up that your gonna be a senior bro!!??? shole are you shuah!! mean g, hope your hanging in there at the camps bro, smash everyone bro even your friends bro, gotta get your spot for the season g! don't worry bout losing your weight ow, if your training and doing everything you can, you'll be solid wherever your weight ends up. I was always the smallest and shortest one on the field remember? keep working bro, harder then anyone in your position aight! proud of your g! Con bro are you shuah?? surfing foreals ah? bro im cracking up right now looking at all your mean pics bro. you've changed ay? not gumby anymore? lol good on you bro, your body and skin looks dee best, im proud as just looking at your pics bro hahah! shot con! Mum!!!! yiuh mum!!! finally ay done wit that crap!! awesome as mum! you must be relieved that bulk is out of your way and behind you. I'm so proud of all that you've been able to accomplish mum and at the same time being a faithful member, mother and wife, your amazing. I know you've learned a lot ay and whats awesome to know is that its all not just gonna benefit you in this life but will give you that much more the advantage in the life to come. Everything we do here now is an eternal principle. That's why the lord over and over again instructs us to treasure up the things in this life that matter (3 Nephi 13:20-21) things that will increase our spirituality, the capacity of our inner treasures. Things that cant be taken from you. Dad bro what you been up to bro? lol working so'o, just being the man ay bro. Thanks for just being there for all of us ay dad. Looking at all the people I teach and there kids I cant help but think of how much you have supported us kids in our lives ay, with anything and everything. You came to everyone one of our activities, sports, performances etc. and there just all things Ill never forget. Your a awesome support and patriarch for our family dad, thank you.
You falas as for me, I had a good week ay. Kind of slow cuz my companion got sick the poof! I told him there's no rest for the wicked boi, you gotta better ow! But algud ay family, im taking advantage of this companionship cuz its the first have Iv had where we both speak Spanish and input in lessons, its been a huge difference. The highlight right now of my mission is seeing less actives be reactivated. We started family home evenings and taught the members how to hold there own family home evenings so its been a treat to watch each of them grow in their testimonies. it will bless them and us or the future missionaries here with member missionaries.
but ye family that's me, I'm doing awesome as, just working, trying to fulfill my purpose as best I can. I love you guys and so grateful for everything you do for me, have a massive week ay!
Elder kanahele kaka