Kia ora kaka doodoo family!! haha fa mean as pics. Guys looking sexy az ay, I better step my game up lol. Awesome as letters though everyone, thanks! So cool mum all the things you've been able to take out of your school experiences, its just proof that the gospel can be shared, and we are in control of making those missionary opportunities present. I love that ay cuz a lot of members Iv met on my mission always express that its hard to share the gospel cuz a lot of the times the opportunity to do so doesn't come, but we have to make those opportunities ourselves. Awesome example mum. Thanks for showing me Lias text, I had a little cry just reading it. I'm so proud of you Lia, you have grown so much are a beautiful girl, in and out. Thanks for your awesome example, I'm happy you are having these kinds of experiences that have strengthened your testimony. Keep it up Lia. Ash bro, red and white bro, how's it look uce? hope you destroying guys bro, let me know how it went aight. Con g fa crack up as bro, sounds like you got yourself a mean deal out there bro, good luck with that bro. Your pics are just outstanding ay bro, your body looks too mean, and your surfing skills too bro, good on you bro. If your out this side bro, hit me up bro, ill take you to an appointment with us lol. Anyway though family my mission is mean ay. Had a crack up week. Its been slow as lately ay, ill be honest lol we been working real hard though. Its been hot as, so iv been getting my sweat on hard. Just starting to finally get use to the buses n this area and how to use them. Our areas kind of spread out along with our investigators so a lot of planning is required with the timing of the buses, to areas and being able to be at each place on time. Its crack up cuz if you miss the buss you have to wait for ages. So that's been us, just trying to think smarter wit hour resources. We had a mean district meeting this week. the topic was "the role of the holy ghost in conversion" and so right now we have 4 converts in our district and I got each of them to stand up and share their conversion experiences. It was the meanest things cuz our district got to see what its like for the investigators who are making huge changes in their lives and it was just a cool as spiritual meeting. My companion is the shyest dude ever ay. He's scared to talk in any situation so iv been really trying to help him with that, cuz he has a huge testimony that he doesn't really let shine as much as it should. We've had huge improvement though and things are sweet, were good friends so it helps a lot in our companionship unity. Ill tell you a crack up as story ay. So last week for P-day I got mad as at my comp cuz he was just being a cocky as dude to me ay so I went over to were he was sitting and smashed his head up against the well and was holding him like I was going to beat him up. lol fa I just lost myself ay for the first time in my whole mission. I felt terrible as after and did a lot of repenting. Everything's sweet now hahah but man Jake the music ay man thought I was perfect lol but I guess Im human ay lol the pride cycle. Anyways though family. Right now were just working with a lot of families and trying to get them moving in their conversion process. Small steps right now, getting people to overcome obstacles, bad habits, temptations, you name it. And its just a reminder everyday of the reality of the atonement, its changes peoples lives and being a witness of that strengthens my own. I love it family. That's me though. Love you guys, love you dad bro, miss you too ay. Hope you guys still singing hard out together, things Ill never forget, love you bro, love you family!
Elder kanahele kaka!!