Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kia Ora Family,

So im here in Wisconsin now, arrived at the mission home, got a bite to eat and then went straight to contacting.  Im so excited aye family, excited to do the lords work.  Im so motivated to get the hang of things and just take care of business.  I'll hear from you guys this Sunday.  So I look foward to that.  I just wanna tell you mum, "Happy Mothers Day".  I love you mum and am just so grateful to you and feel like the luckiest son in the world to have a mother liky you.  You really are a superwomen mum, can do it all and still be pretty as.  I thank you mum for helping me prepare to be here on a mission from the time I was born.  I know there is no better thing the lord would want for me in my life than to be here to serve his children.  It is the love & happiness I find in our home that makes me want to share that eternal happiness and knowlege with the people that I will be teaching.  I am so grateful to our family and for the foundation of Jesus Christ that we have been taught in our home.  Anyway, i gotta go, im alguds family, safe and healthy.

Love Elder Kanahele

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